Bong-Min Yang PhD is a health economist at the Seoul National University, South Korea. He is currently the President of KAHTA (Korea Association of Health Technology Assessment), serving two consecutive terms. He is the Director of the Center for Economic Evaluation, Institute of Health and Environment, Seoul National University, a team dedicated to economic evaluations of new and existing health technologies. In addition, Dr. Yang is a Professor in the Graduate School of Public Health and the Institute for Health and Environment at the Seoul National University. In the past, he served the school as Dean, and served the KHEA (Korea Health Economic Association) as President. Dr. Yang has additionally served in the policy decision-making arena, serving as Chairperson of the Health Insurance Reform Committee and Chairperson of the Drug Pricing and Reimbursement Committee for the Korean Government.
Dr. Yang has conducted research and published widely in health economics and health care systems. His recent research focuses on economic evaluations of health technologies, including the burden of disease, costs, and cost-effectiveness of treatments. In addition to his research and publications, Dr. Yang has worked as a consultant for the WHO, ADB (Asia Development Bank), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the World Bank.